Which labels have changed in 2021?

The UK adopted the regulation before the country’s departure from the EU, and therefore the energy label was introduced from 1 March 2021, same as in the participating EU member states, and 1 October 2021 for lighting products, .

The new labels are now the standard in physical stores and online shops for the following five product groups:

  • Household refrigerators and freezers
  • Washing machines and wash-dryers
  • Dishwashers
  • TVs and electronic displays
  • Light sources - coming up this October.

For other labelled product groups like air conditioners, tumble dryers, space and water heaters etc. the new labels will be introduced as soon as new or revised UK regulations come into force.

See the new labels

You will find below the standard labels for each of the appliances and products transitioning to the new label in 2021. 

For more information about the individual icons and the differences between the old and the new labels, check our product groups page.



*These A-G labels are examples of best in class categorisation for each product expected as of March 2021.